Schedule your next field trip at Discovery World. 

Some of the best childhood memories are made with friends! If you’re a school administrator, group leader, or even a parent who wants to organize a group trip to Discovery World, we’d love to have you! 

Group rates are available. And, we highly encourage groups to find a local donor or business to sponsor their fieldtrip. We will even take a group photo at the museum so you can thank you sponsor! The Izzy Special lunchbag combo is available for purchase with advance order. The $5 bag includes a “Maka Mia” pepperoni roll, chips, yogurt, 2 pack of Oreos and a bottle of water.

Groups and fieldtrips are scheduled on Tuesdays when the museum is closed to the public. To make a group visit or field trip reservation, please contact

Advance reservations are required and group rates apply to 15 or more children. Ratio is one chaperone per every five children on field trips. Any additional adults will need to pay the group rate fee.

Learning is more fun with friends!

Request Field Trip Information!

Tiny STEAMers Class

Explore the world around us through STEAM play! Create, experiment, investigate, and learn together. Each week has a different theme and fun new activities.

Tiny STEAMers offers state-of-the-art, quality programming and tie directly to the West Virginia state standards. The classes are Fridays from 9:30 - 11 am and consists of story time, a hands-on STEM activity, a craft and a snack associated with the weekly theme. As a new perk to those who register for Tiny STEAMers, both child and caregiver can stay and play at the museum for free. New this Fall, caregivers need to check in at the ticket booth before going to the classroom.

Pre-registration required and class is designed specifically for children ages 2 to 5 and their caregivers. Registration is limited to 20 registrations per class. Cost for child and (1) caregiver is $20. Registration can be done at the door if space permits. Our Tiny STEAMers will be taught by Jessica Banks. Jessica has a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and has experience teaching Pre-K. To register for an upcoming class, click HERE.

Inclement weather policy: Discovery World on Market will follow Wood County Schools for 2-hour delays and closings for inclement weather. If Wood County Schools has a 2-hour delay, Tiny STEAMers will start one hour later (10:30am).

Baby STEAMers….Classes Begin September 4th at 9am

Providing STEM learning opportunities for young children through play, investigation, and exploration of the world around them.

Designed for babies up to 2 years of age, this weekly class will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 - 10am and encourages interaction and socialization for both babies and caregivers! Price includes instructional time for child and (1) caregiver as well as bonus “stay and play” time after class.

Cost is $20 per visit and includes coffee for the caregivers.

Class for 13 - 24-month-olds will be held on Wednesday from 9 - 10 am.

Class for 0 - 12-month-olds will be held on Fridays from 9 - 10 am.

Registration opens on August 15th.

Have questions?
Get in touch.